For over 40 years, I have assisted business owners and managers with business transitions including:
Business Valuation,
Family or other stakeholders succession issues,
Business Sales.
The transition of a business includes both financial and emotional issues - and no two situations are completely alike.
Whether the other party or parties to the transition are family members, current partners, or new investors: successful transitions require financial expertise, deal-making experience and interpersonal skills.
Call me direct at 205-837-4845 for a confidential review of your situation and issues. Initial calls are always complimentary. My email address is petesmith@value-a-business.com.

Pete Smith

Characterizations of Pete's Professional Career
Consultant, Negotiator, Certified Appraiser, Facilitator, Mediator, "Bean Counter" Problem Solver, Option Master, Director (Board of Directors Member), "Outside the Box Thinker", Author, Speaker, Teacher, Student, more....
Clients use Pete's Services to Solve Problems
Underlying each and every Business Transition, there are one of more problems needing solutions. These problems include both financial considerations and very frequently interpersonal relationships. Pete's long career allows him to address both.
I have served clients from Anchorage to Miami, Bangor to San Diego, Great Britain, Canada, and Nigeria.
The best marketing is word of mouth.
Please click for client recommendation - Tennessee Electric (.pdf)
Please click for client recommendation - Riley Communications (.pdf)
Responsibilities and Duties of a Board of Directors
For many small businesses, a Board of Directors is only a formality. Most Boards meet only to approve the actions required by law.
A Board of Directors can be an important part of a management team, even when the equity is totally owned by one person. Guidance from other respected business persons is important to keep any business, large or small, on track.
Responsibility 1.
"Represent the interests of the organization's stockholders (members) including adherence to the organization's charter and by-laws."
Please click here for 11 Responsibilities and Duties of a Board of Directors.
C&S Associates
Founded in 1981, C&S Associates, a general partnership, is the legal entity under which I do business.
For years, my preferred method of operation has been to use the client's local team of professional advisors whenever possible: accountant, attorney, tax advisor, insurance agent, estate planner, and others.
If Clients lack advisors in specific area, I have developed numerous trusted contacts over many years, and we have teamed up with them as needed.
Looking Ahead 2018
Prior Issues
Looking Ahead 2016: "700 years of Industry Experience Speak Out on the Future"
Looking Ahead 2015: "Are You Ready For the 'D’s?"
Looking Ahead 2014: "Energy. Energy, Energy"
Looking Ahead 2013: "The 'Race' Back to the Future"